Then various kinds of fun things pertaining to doctors, dentists, and insurance plans, as well as tax-filing have all been highlights of the last 3 weeks. My "Living Organized" book is still here on my desk, underneath a bunch of dental insurance papers, and my dining room could almost pass for a laundry room because of the many baskets of laundry waiting to be folded. So why am I sitting at my computer right now instead of doing housework? Because dishes and laundry can be tended to when the little people are awake, but time on the computer can really only happen when they're sleeping.
You see, I'm trying to find the best time for me to do some writing, without neglecting my responsibilities as a wife and mother. As I see it, I have only 3 time slots "available." First, early morning, like 5:30-6:30. Second, afternoon nap time, and third, after the kids are in bed. My biggest challenge with mornings is that Rosalind has been an early riser since before she was born. She usually wakes up about 5:30, and is not naturally quiet or sluggish in the mornings. She wants to help make the coffee and then help wake everyone up and get dressed. Some mornings she will sleep later, but it's more consistent that she's awake and in need of my attention. Afternoon nap time is good, when I know what's for dinner and my kitchen is mostly clean. But I tend to be distracted by housework or by reading other blogs or Facebook, and the time slips through my fingers. Sometimes Brendan is also awake and needing me during this time. After the kids are in bed, the same as above applies, as well as the fact that it is the time for Enoch and me to catch up on our days and communicate with one another. Plus, he often needs the computer during that time. So its just been one of those months!
I have a hunch that a few photos of the grandchildren will help us all get beyond it and move on to the month of March. March! It comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb, and apparently we are anticipating a winter storm that could bring between 6-14 inches of snow starting Sunday night and into Monday. It will be another good reason to take photos and to update my blog, as long as life allows me to.
below: Dinosaur bones buried in the birthday cake.
above: The birthday boy about to dig into his cake, as soon as he blows out seven candles.
below: Just a wild and wacky photo of one of his most outstanding features (a very loud one.)
below: Just a wild and wacky photo of one of his most outstanding features (a very loud one.)
above: Tristan after taking an unsupervised shower. He didn't quite rinse off completely.
below: Tristan after eating chocolate birthday cake frosting.
above: Side view of Rosalind's precious braids with ringlet pigtails. She's admiring Daddy's homemade bread on the counter.
below: A pretty girl showing off her twirl.
above: Brendan's reaction to baby food the first time.
below: He enjoys helping bang pots and pans in the kitchen