Four cents for each one please.
30 November 2009
29 November 2009
28 November 2009
27 November 2009
26 November 2009
25 November 2009
TIN-November 25, 2009
Day 25: Do you have guests coming to dinner tomorrow?
(Actually, we do! A divorced mom and three kids. The mom is deaf and teaches sign language, so it should make for an interesting time. She's good at reading lips, but I wonder how difficult it must be to read lips when people are eating...)

(Actually, we do! A divorced mom and three kids. The mom is deaf and teaches sign language, so it should make for an interesting time. She's good at reading lips, but I wonder how difficult it must be to read lips when people are eating...)
If so, relax, all others pay 25 cents.
24 November 2009
TIN-November 24, 2009
It's hard to believe that this time last year, we didn't own a single pet. Then we had a brief encounter with two goldfish. And now we have a fully-furry-purry-one-hundred-percent-pet, Cyrus the orange cat. I'll even post my favorite photos of him here today. He's a great mouser, chases unsuspecting children just to freak them out, and I think he loves me the most, even though I've been known to throw things at him for scratching the furniture. But all that relates to today's Thankfulness in November category:
Do you own a pet?
23 November 2009
TIN-November 23, 2009
(I know, I know, I'm getting behind again. I'm fighting a cold that we're sharing with one another around the house, and there's this big four-day weekend and fancy holiday coming up. What in the world will I do when Thankfulness in November is over? That's a good question I've been pondering a bit lately.)
Day 23: How many hours of TV did you watch yesterday?
10 Cents for each hour please.
22 November 2009
21 November 2009
20 November 2009
19 November 2009
TIN-November 19, 2009
Did you have a doctor's appointment this month?

If not, say Thank You with a 35 cent gift.
If not, say Thank You with a 35 cent gift.
To participate in Thankfulness in November, you'll need a container to hold the change that you'll be collecting, which will be referred to as the bank. Each day there is something to be thankful for, and a small monetary donation to put into the the bank. At the end of the month, you'll have a heap of change (and a heap of things to be thankful for). Then you can bring your contribution to your church on December 6th, and glorify God for His generous provisions in your life.
I would love to hear from you if you are participating! Please leave a comment below, and even your website if you are going to post about it on your blog. Thanks for your participation!
I would love to hear from you if you are participating! Please leave a comment below, and even your website if you are going to post about it on your blog. Thanks for your participation!
18 November 2009
TIN-November 18, 2009
To participate in Thankfulness in November, you'll need a container to hold the change that you'll be collecting, which will be referred to as the bank. Each day there is something to be thankful for, and a small monetary donation to put into the the bank. At the end of the month, you'll have a heap of change (and a heap of things to be thankful for). Then you can bring your contribution to your church on December 6th, and glorify God for His generous provisions in your life.
I would love to hear from you if you are participating! Please leave a comment below, and even your website if you are going to post about it on your blog. Thanks for your participation!
17 November 2009
TIN-November 17, 2009
One penny for each year you have lived.
To participate in Thankfulness in November, you'll need a container to hold the change that you'll be collecting, which will be referred to as the bank. Each day there is something to be thankful for, and a small monetary donation to put into the the bank. At the end of the month, you'll have a heap of change (and a heap of things to be thankful for). Then you can bring your contribution to your church on December 6th, and glorify God for His generous provisions in your life.
I would love to hear from you if you are participating! Please leave a comment below, and even your website if you are going to post about it on your blog. Thanks for your participation!
I would love to hear from you if you are participating! Please leave a comment below, and even your website if you are going to post about it on your blog. Thanks for your participation!
16 November 2009
TIN-November 16, 2009
Day 16: Do you have living Aunts & Uncles?

Please deposit five cents for each one.
Please deposit five cents for each one.
To participate in Thankfulness in November, you'll need a container to hold the change that you'll be collecting, which will be referred to as the bank. Each day there is something to be thankful for, and a small monetary donation to put into the the bank. At the end of the month, you'll have a heap of change (and a heap of things to be thankful for). Then you can bring your contribution to your church on December 6th, and glorify God for His generous provisions in your life. I would love to hear from you if you are participating!
15 November 2009
TIN-November 15, 2009
otherwise 50 cents please.
To participate in Thankfulness in November, you'll need a container to hold the change that you'll be collecting, which will be referred to as the bank. Each day there is something to be thankful for, and a small monetary donation to put into the the bank. At the end of the month, you'll have a heap of change (and a heap of things to be thankful for). Then you can bring your contribution to your church on December 6th, and glorify God for His generous provisions in your life.
I would love to hear from you if you are participating! Please leave a comment below, and even your website if you are going to post about it on your blog. Thanks for your participation!
14 November 2009
TIN-November 14, 2009
If your car is more than 5 years old, save your $$$ today.
(Actually, both of our cars are so old; they are almost old enough to vote or be drafted into the military. Now that's old--for a car.)
Otherwise we need 20 cents.
To participate in Thankfulness in November, you'll need a container to hold the change that you'll be collecting, which will be referred to as the bank. Each day there is something to be thankful for, and a small monetary donation to put into the the bank. At the end of the month, you'll have a heap of change (and a heap of things to be thankful for). Then you can bring your contribution to your church on December 6th, and glorify God for His generous provisions in your life.
I would love to hear from you if you are participating! Please leave a comment below, and even your website if you are going to post about it on your blog. Thanks for your participation!
13 November 2009
TIN-November 13, 2009
How many times did you use your phone yesterday?
A toll fee of five cents for each time.
To participate in Thankfulness in November, you'll need a container to hold the change that you'll be collecting, which will be referred to as the bank. Each day there is something to be thankful for, and a small monetary donation to put into the the bank. At the end of the month, you'll have a heap of change (and a heap of things to be thankful for). Then you can bring your contribution to your church on December 6th, and glorify God for His generous provisions in your life.
I would love to hear from you if you are participating! Please leave a comment below, and even your website if you are going to post about it on your blog. Thanks for your participation!
12 November 2009
(Sigh) Well, the month is nearly half over, and I'm finally "caught up" with my Thankfulness in November posts. I'm just shaking my head, because I could go back to last year's posts and I was commenting on every one nearly every day. This time--not so much. But we're going forward, not looking back--except to say that I've "filled in" days 1-8 now, and you can go back to read the days we've missed. I also prepared a few days ahead of time, so I'll hopefully be able to keep up in a more relaxed and mentally-connected state. I hope if you're doing Thankfulness in November with your family, that you are enjoying it so far. And I'm going to think about the future and how I can make Thankfulness in November better next year. But I'll do that later... Right now I have apple butter to can, chicken stock to make, church missions conference activities to attend, and a baby who has been sneezing and acting sick today. Back to work everyone!
TIN-November 12, 2009
(No, but I could use a makeover!)
If so, 20 cents please.
To participate in Thankfulness in November, you'll need a container to hold the change that you'll be collecting, which will be referred to as the bank. Each day there is something to be thankful for, and a small monetary donation to put into the the bank. At the end of the month, you'll have a heap of change (and a heap of things to be thankful for). Then you can bring your contribution to your church on December 6th, and glorify God for His generous provisions in your life.
I would love to hear from you if you are participating! Please leave a comment below, and even your website if you are going to post about it on your blog. Thanks for your participation!
I would love to hear from you if you are participating! Please leave a comment below, and even your website if you are going to post about it on your blog. Thanks for your participation!
11 November 2009
On This Day Fourteen Years Ago
Saturday, November 11, 1995
One man, one woman, the two became one flesh.
Surrendering to one another and legally binding themselves to one another until the day death separates them.
Before God and witnesses, to hold us accountable and legitimize the transaction.
The happy couple began their journey of life together as one; blissfully ignorant of life's hardships and blessings, and barely knowing anything at all. By the grace of God, still living happily ever after, and growing more in their love for one another each day!
TIN-November 11, 2009
Day 11: Did someone compliment you yesterday?
To participate in Thankfulness in November, you'll need a container to hold the change that you'll be collecting, which will be referred to as the bank. Each day there is something to be thankful for, and a small monetary donation to put into the the bank. At the end of the month, you'll have a heap of change (and a heap of things to be thankful for). Then you can bring your contribution to your church on December 6th, and glorify God for His generous provisions in your life.
I would love to hear from you if you are participating!
10 November 2009
TIN-November 10, 2009
(I'm making some headway on getting caught up. Thanks for your patience. We'll go back and catch up when we can, but we're better off moving forward.)
Day 10: How many pairs of shoes in your closet? Five cents for each pair please.
To participate in Thankfulness in November, you'll need a container to hold the change that you'll be collecting, which will be referred to as the bank. Each day there is something to be thankful for, and a small monetary donation to put into the the bank. At the end of the month, you'll have a heap of change (and a heap of things to be thankful for). Then you can bring your contribution to your church on December 6th, and glorify God for His generous provisions in your life.
I would love to hear from you if you are going to participate! Please leave a comment below, and even your website if you are going to post about it on your blog. Thanks for your participation!
09 November 2009
TIN-November 9, 2009
(TIN stands for Thankfulness In November, in case you were wondering. Well, I've only allotted a certain number of minutes to get as caught up as possible on blogging, so I'll not waste any more time. Since it's actually November 9th, I'll post today's "assignment," as it were, and I will back-fill days 1-9 after the fact.)
To participate in Thankfulness in November, you'll need a container to hold the change that you'll be collecting, which will be referred to as the bank. Each day there is something to be thankful for, and a small monetary donation to put into the the bank. At the end of the month, you'll have a heap of change (and a heap of things to be thankful for). Then you can bring your contribution to your church on December 6th, and glorify God for His generous provisions in your life.
I would love to hear from you if you are going to participate! Please leave a comment below, and even your website if you are going to post about it on your blog. Thanks for your participation!
Day 9: Did you get a friendly letter or e-mail this week? Say THANK YOU with 25 cents each one.
To participate in Thankfulness in November, you'll need a container to hold the change that you'll be collecting, which will be referred to as the bank. Each day there is something to be thankful for, and a small monetary donation to put into the the bank. At the end of the month, you'll have a heap of change (and a heap of things to be thankful for). Then you can bring your contribution to your church on December 6th, and glorify God for His generous provisions in your life.
I would love to hear from you if you are going to participate! Please leave a comment below, and even your website if you are going to post about it on your blog. Thanks for your participation!
08 November 2009
Tin-November 8, 2009
Did you go to Sunday School & Church today?

25 cents for each service missed.
25 cents for each service missed.
To participate in Thankfulness in November, you'll need a container to hold the change that you'll be collecting, which will be referred to as the bank. Each day there is something to be thankful for, and a small monetary donation to put into the the bank. At the end of the month, you'll have a heap of change (and a heap of things to be thankful for). Then you can bring your contribution to your church on December 6th, and glorify God for His generous provisions in your life.
I would love to hear from you if you are participating! Please leave a comment below, and even your website if you are going to post about it on your blog. Thanks for your participation!
I would love to hear from you if you are participating! Please leave a comment below, and even your website if you are going to post about it on your blog. Thanks for your participation!
07 November 2009
TIN-November 7, 2009
Have any members of your family visited you this past week?

Five cents for each one please.
Five cents for each one please.
To participate in Thankfulness in November, you'll need a container to hold the change that you'll be collecting, which will be referred to as the bank. Each day there is something to be thankful for, and a small monetary donation to put into the the bank. At the end of the month, you'll have a heap of change (and a heap of things to be thankful for). Then you can bring your contribution to your church on December 6th, and glorify God for His generous provisions in your life.
I would love to hear from you if you are participating! Please leave a comment below, and even your website if you are going to post about it on your blog. Thanks for your participation!
I would love to hear from you if you are participating! Please leave a comment below, and even your website if you are going to post about it on your blog. Thanks for your participation!
06 November 2009
TIN-November 6, 2009
Did you sleep in?

A dime for every half hour past 6am.
A dime for every half hour past 6am.
To participate in Thankfulness in November, you'll need a container to hold the change that you'll be collecting, which will be referred to as the bank. Each day there is something to be thankful for, and a small monetary donation to put into the the bank. At the end of the month, you'll have a heap of change (and a heap of things to be thankful for). Then you can bring your contribution to your church on December 6th, and glorify God for His generous provisions in your life.
I would love to hear from you if you are participating! Please leave a comment below, and even your website if you are going to post about it on your blog. Thanks for your participation!
I would love to hear from you if you are participating! Please leave a comment below, and even your website if you are going to post about it on your blog. Thanks for your participation!
05 November 2009
TIN-November 5, 2009
Do you have pictures on your walls?

If so, three cents each one please.
If so, three cents each one please.
To participate in Thankfulness in November, you'll need a container to hold the change that you'll be collecting, which will be referred to as the bank. Each day there is something to be thankful for, and a small monetary donation to put into the the bank. At the end of the month, you'll have a heap of change (and a heap of things to be thankful for). Then you can bring your contribution to your church on December 6th, and glorify God for His generous provisions in your life.
I would love to hear from you if you are participating! Please leave a comment below, and even your website if you are going to post about it on your blog. Thanks for your participation!
I would love to hear from you if you are participating! Please leave a comment below, and even your website if you are going to post about it on your blog. Thanks for your participation!
04 November 2009
TIN-November 4, 2009
Have you bought any items of clothing this past month?

Five cents per item please.
Five cents per item please.
To participate in Thankfulness in November, you'll need a container to hold the change that you'll be collecting, which will be referred to as the bank. Each day there is something to be thankful for, and a small monetary donation to put into the the bank. At the end of the month, you'll have a heap of change (and a heap of things to be thankful for). Then you can bring your contribution to your church on December 6th, and glorify God for His generous provisions in your life.
I would love to hear from you if you are participating! Please leave a comment below, and even your website if you are going to post about it on your blog. Thanks for your participation!
I would love to hear from you if you are participating! Please leave a comment below, and even your website if you are going to post about it on your blog. Thanks for your participation!
It's Coming Soon...
Here I thought I'd be posting every day this month with Thankfulness in November! Well, I'm working on the somewhat low-tech graphics, but my camera's batteries died and I had to buy more. AND I'm trying to make 60 cups of apple puree into apple butter but need to buy another 5-lb bag of sugar. AND I need to make apple jelly with the juice Enoch made. AND we have pumpkin seeds to roast (if they haven't gotten moldy in the fridge). AND I am trying to stay on top of the heaps of laundry that a family of six generates in the fall, as well as keeping them fed 3 times a day. AND we've been up late watching the Phillies defend their World Series Championship status. AND we are looking for an inexpensive upright freezer to store the 100 pounds or so of frozen vegetables that arrive this weekend (while I'm supposed to be at a women's conference). So I appreciate your patience. Thankfully blogger has a neat feature that allows me to post things with an old date, so I hope to get caught up eventually.
03 November 2009
TIN-November 3, 2009
To participate in Thankfulness in November, you'll need a container to hold the change that you'll be collecting, which will be referred to as the bank. Each day there is something to be thankful for, and a small monetary donation to put into the the bank. At the end of the month, you'll have a heap of change (and a heap of things to be thankful for). Then you can bring your contribution to your church on December 6th, and glorify God for His generous provisions in your life.
I would love to hear from you if you are participating! Please leave a comment below, and even your website if you are going to post about it on your blog. Thanks for your participation!
I would love to hear from you if you are participating! Please leave a comment below, and even your website if you are going to post about it on your blog. Thanks for your participation!
02 November 2009
TIN-November 2, 2009
Have you been out of Pennsylvania in 2009?

25 cents for each time please.
25 cents for each time please.
To participate in Thankfulness in November, you'll need a container to hold the change that you'll be collecting, which will be referred to as the bank. Each day there is something to be thankful for, and a small monetary donation to put into the the bank. At the end of the month, you'll have a heap of change (and a heap of things to be thankful for). Then you can bring your contribution to your church on December 6th, and glorify God for His generous provisions in your life.
I would love to hear from you if you are participating! Please leave a comment below, and even your website if you are going to post about it on your blog. Thanks for your participation!
I would love to hear from you if you are participating! Please leave a comment below, and even your website if you are going to post about it on your blog. Thanks for your participation!
01 November 2009
TIN-November 1, 2009
Did you invite someone to come to church this week?
No! Your fine is 35 cents.
To participate in Thankfulness in November, you'll need a container to hold the change that you'll be collecting, which will be referred to as the bank. Each day there is something to be thankful for, and a small monetary donation to put into the the bank. At the end of the month, you'll have a heap of change (and a heap of things to be thankful for). Then you can bring your contribution to your church on December 6th, and glorify God for His generous provisions in your life.
I would love to hear from you if you are participating! Please leave a comment below, and even your website if you are going to post about it on your blog. Thanks for your participation!
I would love to hear from you if you are participating! Please leave a comment below, and even your website if you are going to post about it on your blog. Thanks for your participation!
Thankfulness in November 2009
Aren't you glad November is finally here? I have been looking forward to this month, and I have been looking forward to once again celebrating Thankfulness in November. I hope you are too. If you've never heard of it before, you're in for a treat. Not only will you realize that you have more things to be thankful for than you thought possible, but at the end of the month, you will have a little chunk of change to show for and to give as an offering of thanksgiving, when most people are running out of cash. And it's such a good feeling to give a little extra when the going gets tough, believe me! That's part of the reason why I'm so looking forward to Thankfulness in November.
For those of you who are new to the idea, here's the basic concept:
If you wish to participate, you'll need a container to hold the change that you'll be collecting, which will be referred to as the bank. Each day there is something to be thankful for, and a small monetary donation to put into the the bank. At the end of the month, you'll have a heap of change (and a heap of things to be thankful for). Then you can bring your contribution to your church on December 6th, and glorify God for His generous provisions in your life.
Last year, not only was it fun to bring an envelope packed full of coins to put in the offering plate, but it was fun to see how excited the kids were to do it. I imagine when a whole congregation of people celebrate Thankfulness in November, that first Sunday in December must be a lot of fun and extra work for the offering-collectors!
I would love to hear from you if you are going to participate! Please leave a comment below, and even your website if you are going to post about it on your blog. Thanks for your participation!
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