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13 September 2007

Thirteen Favorite Recipes

Whenever the seasons change, I sometimes have to re-adjust my menu planning and grocery shopping, which is sometimes difficult, because I tend to cook based on my feelings and/or the temperature outside rather than based on a strict plan. But I do have a basic repertoire of meals that I always fall back on. Here's a list of some of the most-used recipes in our household, particularly in the cooler seasons, but a couple are year-round favorites. If there are any on the list that you're interested in for yourself, either post a comment here or e-mail me, and I'll do my best to get it to you. I may not be able to post them here, due to copyright issues, but some of these are my own. Happy Thursday!

1. Cranberry Chicken (3-ingredients plus chicken--a favorite for many reasons!)
2. White Beans and Sausage (crock-pot favorite)
3. (My best friend Wendy's) Fish Cakes
4. (My best friend Mishal's) Mushroom Chicken
5. Falafel (I have two different recipes for this one)
6. Chicken Enszchiladas (from an old church cookbook, Ensz is the last name of the person who submitted the recipe)
7. Roasted Squash with Sausage and Apples
8. Green Soup (served over baked potato)
9. Crock Pot Ham and Scalloped Potatoes
10. Red, Gold, Black, and Green Chili
11. Roasted Drumsticks and Red Potatoes
12. Curried Chickpeas and Tofu
13. Chicken Noodle Soup

And I just couldn't keep it out, a bonus recipe: 30-Minute Tuna and Tomato Pasta


  1. #9 sounds fascinating. I love crock pot recipes; they're so easy and they make the house smell good! That reminds me... it's getting on towards fall, which means it's time to get the crock pot out again...
    Happy TT!

  2. Nicole,
    #9 is very good, and I have to warn you that I probably would not make it nearly as often if I didn't have a food processor to slice all the potatoes and onions and shred the cheese. But because I do, *happy grin* it's not much trouble at all. (You just gave me an idea for another TT list: 13 favorite kitchen utensils!)
